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Transition Planning Resources to Promote Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE)

Benefits Planning and Financial Management

Business Partners

Complex Support Needs for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

General Complex Support Needs Resources

Self-Determination Program

Covid-19 Facts and Health Info

Employment Preparation & Competitive Integrated Employment


Resources to be added; TBD

Individuals With Disabilities Self-Determination

OCLPA Virtual & Transition Resource Lists 2020-2022

The OCLPA monthly Covid-19 & Transition Resources List was developed starting in March 2020 to address the need for information, materials, services and resources caused by the Pandemic. This list is a compilation of information shared by educators, community partners and many others. Materials include info graphics, research articles, charts and information sheets developed by disability related researchers and associates throughout the nation.

All resources have been placed on a Google Drive for easy access by all. Items pertain to all stakeholders, including students, families, adults with disabilities, educational staff, administrators, service providers, community colleges, universities, and any other interested individuals. Educators and service providers are encouraged to consider providing newsletters/emails and other social media to students, families, co-workers, and business partners to ensure COVID-19 resources are distributed throughout their communities.

Each list includes web links to access resources, as well as, a Google Drive address where materials can be downloaded.





Transition Resources & Information

Virtual Curriculum Resources
